
Memories: How I Was Able To Afford a Trip To Paris at 22 Years Old

One of the highlights of my life.At 22 yrs old, I worked at McDonald's and WHSmith's in Europe, made enough money to pay for a day trip to Paris which cost about £50 and even had money to pay part of my fees owed to the University of the West Indies. The greatest feeling of my life to have 2 jobs, money in my pocket that I earned ( didn't beg, borrow, steal or scam anyone) and accomplish some of the goals on my bucket list ( list of things to do before I die).

Memories: My First Job In London, UK Working At McDonald's

Would you like some fries with that?...My first Job....McDonald's UK in 2002 when I was 22 yrs old. I went to the UK on a student exchange visa. I thought my resume was so impressive. My resume was so impressive if I was an employer, I would hire me. I walked the streets of London for many days with about 50 resumes my cousin had prepared for me. A few days my cousin also walked around with me giving me suggestions of places I could go that may be hiring. I was confident that I could work and go to Medical school. I was in the greatest city of the world with not even 1 cent in my pocket to enjoy it. I could get no jobs. Only McDonald's was hiring. So I applied to McDonald's and was hired! Yaaay!!! Suddenly I had money in my pocket that I earned. I did not beg it. borrow it, steal it. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I even made enough to buy a £50 day trip return ticket on the Eurostar to Paris. I was even able to save some money towards paying back some of the tui...

Holiday Season In America

 I don’t know what it is but around October ( my birth month), people in America start becoming sentimental and start giving me food and inviting me to their houses to eat (not as much this year though because of CoVid-19 pandemic), but I am not complaining. I am thankful! ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿฝ

How To Know If Your Relatives, Friends, CoWorkers and Other people you associate with Are Racist.

 First let me remind you the person viewing this I am of a mixed ethnicity because my ancestors are white, black and asian. My friends are White, black, asian, hispanic. I don’t evaluate people by the color of their skin, I evaluate people based on how they treat me and how I observe they treat others. I don’t go around hating white people, hispanic people and asian people because my whole family is mixed ( which is the case of most Jamaicans and Caribbean people).In every race you have some stupid people. How To Know If Your Relatives, Friends, CoWorkers and Other people you associate with Are Racist. These are some pages from the book “Stupid White Men” by Michael Moore ( Who is White). I first found out about this book while I was working in a book store in London while I was on a student exchange visa. This book was the number one bestseller in New York, London and many major cities. opened my eyes to many realities of the world I live in. If possible please order this book ava...

When You Help A Family Member From Jamaica And They End Up Becoming a Backstabber

 I tried to help a family member with a similar situation as this girl. She had a disagreement with her mom and her mom would not continue to help her. I thought since I didn’t grow up with a mom who died when I was 5, and I received help from many people, I could pass on the blessing and I could help her. As soon as the girl got on her feet, she tried to make me lose my job because she couldn’t get her own way. I ended up telling my family it wasn’t going to work out and the girl left me in a whole bunch of financial problems. When I asked her family members to help me because of the financial problems she caused me, they stopped answering their phones. Sometimes you want to help family but it could end up costing you more than you imagine. When they don’t talk it can be bad because when they are planning against you, you don’t know until the situation is too late. They are not talking to you, but they are talking to someone else who you probably don’t approve of.

The Present Problem With America

I once met a guy who told me he liked me and he was mixed with Italian and Mexican. Ok, that sounds exciting! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜„I thought, and in my head I began planning exciting trips and had visions of me and him traveling the world. Maybe we could travel to Jamaica ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ and Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น and Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ one day to explore our roots.  I think he said his dad was from Italy and his mom from Mexico. So his parents came to America as immigrants. Ok so we have a lot in common, I thought. We are immigrants. But then he said he doesn’t like immigrants because they are the ones taking away the jobs from Americans ( he calls himself American because he was born in America), making it harder for him to get a job and using up the resources. ๐Ÿ˜ฒNot good, I thought. I don’t like where this conversation is heading. He continued to say  that’s why he is voting for Trump because Trump is going to stop the immigrants from taking away the opportunities  that belong to Americans. And that’s why he need...

Children Whose Families Dont Speak English Are At A Disadvantage

One of my coworkers has a friend who is Hispanic. She can speak English, but she speaks mainly Spanish at home. Her son is 7 and is struggling with English at school but is otherwise very smart. His teacher told the mom to sign a form that he is “Special Ed”. The mom refused to sign the form and I met her and told her she made the right decision. I am so angry at the teacher and it is not even my son. What a wicked set of people! Next thing they are probably going to want to tell the mom to put her son on medication and I hope she refuses. She only needs to get tutoring for her son or move him to a better school. Can you imagine having that on your record and it follows you through every institution you attend for the rest of your life? What would you do if it were your child? You already know I am going to have to write an angry blog about this!!!#minoritystrugglesinamerica #dontmeknoteachertellyouyourpickneyisretarded #telltheteacherfi@&%¥ #Iamachristiansoprayfortheteacherinstead