
Showing posts from April, 2023

Memories: My First Job In London, UK Working At McDonald's

Would you like some fries with that?...My first Job....McDonald's UK in 2002 when I was 22 yrs old. I went to the UK on a student exchange visa. I thought my resume was so impressive. My resume was so impressive if I was an employer, I would hire me. I walked the streets of London for many days with about 50 resumes my cousin had prepared for me. A few days my cousin also walked around with me giving me suggestions of places I could go that may be hiring. I was confident that I could work and go to Medical school. I was in the greatest city of the world with not even 1 cent in my pocket to enjoy it. I could get no jobs. Only McDonald's was hiring. So I applied to McDonald's and was hired! Yaaay!!! Suddenly I had money in my pocket that I earned. I did not beg it. borrow it, steal it. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I even made enough to buy a £50 day trip return ticket on the Eurostar to Paris. I was even able to save some money towards paying back some of the tui...