Chronicles of The Black Woman Working In America

True Story.
Life In America. In order to survive, you either need to have a lawyer in your family, be married to a lawyer, have a lawyer as your best friend, or you have to be a lawyer, or know the law very well. If not, everybody including the government will try to steal your money. I started working at this healthcare company as a Superviser a few years ago. At the end of my first month of training, I only received half of the money I earned. I spoke to another Superviser who was my trainer. I made the mistake of showing him my pay stub. He told me to call HR. H R informed me that the Manager of my company changed the code in their system from “Pay” to “ Do Not Pay” and I had to speak with the Manager in order to receive the rest of my pay check. I spoke to the manager. He gave me this long lecture about how when he started out with the company he had to work his way up and he notice that a number of new recruits like myself just thought that because I had a degree I am better than any of the other managers that did not have one. I guess he didn’t have a degree but why attack me? I am just trying to earn some money so I can go home and take care of my family. Anyway he told me that I caused all types of problem with my trainer because I earned more money than my trainer did, and he my manager is not going to pay me until I proved myself. The manager told my trainer that he had to pay me more because I was married and had a family. Lo and behold, the next month my trainer announced that he was getting married. Also everyday he informed me that women really need to be at home taking care of the kids. So anyway to make a long story short, I had to complain to the regional manager. Nothing was done. I got behind in my bills and had to pay a whole bunch of late fees. I ended up realizing that it was costing me more to stay at that job than they were actually paying me and the harassment, jealousy and tension I felt there was not even worth it. I ended up having to leave. Life in America.


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