Revolution in 2020

We are experiencing a revolution. People are waking up. They are changing 400 year customs. How can we be using the same map that was made in 1569 in 2020? How can we be practicing laws that were made in the 1500s, 1800s? Practicing 400 year old traditions. It’s time for a change. People are tired of these systems that don’t work. We honor the great politicians and other lawmakers who have put in policies to move us forward, but it’s time for the elderly ones to step down gracefully and give the younger lawmakers with the vision to lead people in modern times. If the elderly lawmakers don’t step down, the younger ones are going to remove them by force. I am just saying what I see happening. I am not giving threats or trying to start something. Just commenting on what I am seeing. If you are not about change, if you are not helping your community move forward, well unfortunately there will be more rioting, looting and burning of communities. That’s just the reality.


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