Parents Protest Remote Learning

Oh Lordt... guess what I realized the other day... since I am on my computer everyday, an increased use of Zoom and other online meeting apps came easy for me because I  on my computer everyday from the time I was in College and also for work and my part time business. But guess what, there are many parents who don’t have an idea how to use Zoom or whatever online meeting app the school requires for the remote learning. So before everyone condemns these parents, find out the real reason they are protesting. Some parents are functional illiterates meaning they can’t read but they can recognize enough words to make it through the day and do their daily activities. And also CashApp. They know how to use CashApp. But then when teachers email homework to be done online these parents don’t have a clue where to start. And this MAY be one of the reasons they are protesting. So the schools may want to consider doing remote learning classes specifically for the parents. Oh and that reminds me. I need to do a new YouTube video to show people how to use Zoom. New video coming soon!


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